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365 Connect Recaps Year of Hyper Growth Through Innovation and Platform Expansion

NEW ORLEANS, LA - 365 Connect, a leading provider of award-winning marketing, leasing, and resident technology platforms for the multifamily housing industry, announced today that the company concluded 2017 with record growth. Through core platform expansion, new product innovation, and a key acquisition, 365 Connect experienced the highest adoption rate of its platform in the company’s history.

Kerry W. Kirby, founder and CEO of 365 Connect stated, “We continue to scale our platform by listening to our customer’s needs, implementing new technologies, and reacting rapidly to changes within our industry. As next generation renters enter the market and the demand for next-level digital services increases, we not only look at innovative methods to automate marketing, simplify transactions, and serve residents – we execute on them.”

Major milestones the company achieved in the last 12-months include.

uCribs Acquisition – The largest rental housing search engine dedicated to apartments near universities, uCribs, was acquired in September 2017. uCribs delivers valuable market insights within the student housing industry and expands the company’s reach into off-campus housing markets throughout the nation. The acquisition added millions of rental units to the 365 Connect marketing automation platform.

Growth Recognition365 Connect was inducted into the NOLA 100 as one of the fastest growing companies in region during New Orleans Entrepreneur Week. The program is designed to highlight a total of 100 local companies, which have gained significant traction in scaling their growth and made a lasting impact on the entrepreneurship movement. The awards have been given out over three years, leading into the celebration of New Orleans’ Tricentennial.

Industry StudyAffordable Multifamily Rental Housing Resident Services - Twenty-First-Century Solutions, which is one of the most complete compilations of data, independent research, and industry survey participation to ever be produced on resident services in the affordable housing industry was published. It illustrated how people are engaging with current affordable housing programs and created a roadmap of how technology can redefine an outdated program.

Platform Enhancements – Continuing improvements to streamline marketing, prospect conversion, and delivery of services to residents remains a focus for the company. An array of enhancements were made throughout the year, from lead management and software integrations to payments and rental applications. The platform also revamped its analytics and is now capable of breaking down large data sets to deliver deeper insights.

Security Upgrades – With a global quest to build a more secure web in mind, a method to acquire, install, monitor, and maintain SSL Certificates across all websites that operate on our platform was launched. As 365 Connect has always secured its data, we continue to ensure that our customers are compliant with the latest requirements, and are not flagged as being unsecure in browsers and search engines.

“It has been a year of incredible milestones, and we have no intention of slowing down anytime soon,” Kirby added. “Our focus is to continually innovate next generation technologies that streamline operations, create seamless user experiences, and deliver bottom line results for our clients. Look for major innovations coming from us throughout 2018, as we unify our multiple web platforms into game-changing solutions. Stay tuned – the best is yet to come.”

ABOUT 365 CONNECT: 365 Connect powers the world's most advanced automated marketing, leasing, and resident engagement platform for multifamily communities across the globe. Designed to modernize transactions that empower people, our AI-driven platform transforms operations to reduce costs, maximize efficiency, and accelerate revenue. Founded in 2003 with unrivaled industry knowledge, 365 Connect is purpose-built for renters, management teams, and today's changing world. Discover how we’re driving the future of multifamily innovation at

Published: January 5, 2018