
Our commitment to digital inclusion goes above and beyond.

Our accessibility standards are designed to meet or exceed the requirements to ensure that our website is usable for all.

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This website and its related downloadable applications and services (collectively, our “Website” or “Services”) is operated, hosted, and maintained by 365 CONNECT, L.L.C. ("365 CONNECT,” “," "we," “our” or "us"). This Accessibility Statement applies solely to this Website, and not any third-party links, websites or services that may be provided within or from this Website. The terms "you," "your," and "user" (collectively the “Users”) refer separately to each person (each individual and each entity for whom the individual acts) that accesses or uses this Website. 


We are committed to making digital resources accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. In our effort to provide a fully accessible and optimized user experience for all Website visitors, we have taken careful measure to offer a quality online experience, regardless of the assistive technology being used or the specific abilities of those individuals seeking access to this Website.


This Website endeavors to conform to level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 to ensure that the content made available from this Website is accessible for individuals with disabilities and user-friendly for everyone. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are the most current and comprehensive in a series of Web accessibility guidelines published by the World Wide Web Consortium, the primary international standards organization for the World Wide Web. These guidelines assist developers in making content accessible, not only for individuals with disabilities, but for all users.

This Website has been built using code compliant with W3C standards for both HTML and CSS. This Website displays correctly in current browsers, and in uniting standards compliant HTML/CSS code, any future browsers should also display it correctly. We will continue to develop under the W3C Guidelines, monitor updates, and work toward successfully maintaining these standards on an ongoing basis to assure optimal accessibility for all users.


We have engaged an experienced accessibility consultant to provide specific recommendations to facilitate our Website accessibility and conformance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. We plan to have periodic internal Website accessibility audits performed to provide prioritized feedback, maintain conformance regarding WCAG 2.1, and implement functional testing, using various assistive technologies to ensure that they are supported. We are implementing numerous web accessibility checks built into our standard development processes to ensure that going forward, all code changes for existing and new features are reviewed for their compliance to the WCAG 2.1 standard.


We are committed to providing a Website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of this Website and are actively taking a wide range of actions and devoting resources to enhance the user experience. Here are some of the many best practices that are being adopted:

  • Using semantically structured markup to include appropriate headings, paragraphs, and lists for keyboard or screen reader navigation to aid in page comprehension.
  • Verifying alternative formats for multimedia, such as videos, that contain captions when audio is available.
  • Requiring links to include unique and descriptive text that help describe the link destination.
  • Unless purely for design purposes, alternative attributes are included for all images.
  • Skip navigation links within the page header to provide quick access to page content.
  • Association of form fields with labels and form error messages with attributes to the form field.
  • All pages have page titles and title tags written for easy comprehension of the page content.
  • Validate that all links and buttons can be accessed with a keyboard in a logical tab order and all content is readable to assistive technologies in the correct order.
  • Solicit feedback and suggestions from users for improvement regarding accessibility.
  • Provide materials and research to relevant employees regarding accessibility issues.
  • Work with third party technology providers to promote online accessibility.


While we strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of this Website, such as third-party links, inline frames, feeds, embedded content (collectively, "Links") that may be provided within or from this Website to other websites or services (Example: maps, feeds, videos, widgets, applications, etc.). We provide these outbound Links to third party websites only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any Links does not imply endorsement by us of the website or any association with its operators. We do not warrant the function, accuracy, or accessibility of any linked websites. Certain services and products throughout this Website are provided by third parties, and we do not warrant the sale, use, or function of any products or services of any third party. In addition, we do not warrant the function, accuracy, or accessibility of any information that has been added or linked to this Website by any Users of our site.


There are several tools that provide guidance to make your computer more accessible and offer help with seeing the screen, using your keyboard, mouse, hearing sounds, and reading and spelling. In addition to popular screen readers such as NVDA and JAWS, most modern web browsers contain disability options, such as VoiceOver for Apple products, including Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPods, as well as TalkBack for Android devices.

The majority of pages in our site are available in HTML format that can be deciphered by screen readers. Some documents may be formatted in Adobe PDF format. To convert these documents to a more accessible format, please visit Adobe’s online PDF conversion web page.


We are continually seeking out solutions that will bring all areas of this Website up to the same level of overall accessibility. In the meantime should you experience any difficulty in accessing this Website or have any recommendations to further improve the user experience, please contact us. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number, so we may follow-up with you to provide additional assistance.