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Content Marketing Quickly Becoming the Next Generation Marketing Platform for Apartment Communities

NEW ORLEANS, LA - 365 Connect, a leading provider of award-winning marketing, leasing, and resident technology platforms for the multifamily housing industry, announced today the release of its latest white paper on the utilization of content marketing in the multifamily housing industry. The white paper, Content Marketing – The Next Generation Marketing Platform for Apartment Communities, brings into focus alternative marketing methods that are emerging across a wide range of verticals, including multifamily housing communities.

“Content marketing is an innovative marketing concept that involves the creation and sharing of relevant information that is focused on communicating effectively with customers and prospects,” said 365 Connect Founder and CEO, Kerry W. Kirby. “The idea is to create content that will educate your target audience and allow apartment communities to stand out among their competitors.”

365 Connect’s whitepaper reveals in-depth research related to the structuring and distribution of content as a relevant source of information for the surrounding community. “As content marketing is inherently local in nature, and nothing is more local than where you live, the whitepaper establishes the endless benefits of content marketing for apartment communities to engage both prospects and residents,” stated Kirby.

Today’s consumer prefers to get information about a company from content rather than through advertising, the whitepaper articulates. However, time spent with digital media on mobile has almost doubled in the past year, making the distribution channels as important as the content created.

“With today’s consumers making traditional marketing methods irrelevant, content marketing has emerged as the new strategy for creating inbound traffic and leads, which are being used by marketing experts worldwide,” expressed Kirby. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 90% of marketing firms utilize content marketing to increase lead flow.

“As we continue to look at innovative methods to drive prospect traffic, engage residents, and reduce marketing spend, content marketing has emerged as a method to touch multiple distribution channels that remain relevant throughout the entire resident lifecycle,” explained Kirby. “Through focusing on our methodology of community advocacy, we have seen that hyper-local content creates high quality SEO, online authority, and establishes a strong media presence.”

The whitepaper analyzes data points of user behavior, distribution channels, and search engine benefits. The research clearly establishes that apartment communities adopting a consistent content marketing strategy, can cross market to both future and existing residents. The analysis highlights the endless benefits of content marketing: it places an apartment community in a better position to be found online, motivates the reader to connect with the community, while enhancing branding efforts.

“For years, our company has been creating content marketing for our clients, which saves a considerable amount of time and money by connecting prospects and existing residents with where they live. Our platform integrates community blogs with social media and is optimized for mobile distribution. We have a considerable amount of performance data we wanted to bring to focus and are thrilled that this whitepaper provides the necessary information to the industry as to how critical content marketing is to an apartment community’s success,” Kirby commented.

The assemblage and publication of this whitepaper demonstrates 365 Connect's commitment to deliver educational information to the multifamily industry. 365 Connect is proud to release this industry-wide whitepaper, establishing that content marketing is the next frontier for cross marketing to both future and existing residents. The complete whitepaper: Content Marketing – The Next Generation Marketing Platform for Apartment Communities, is available by request at:

ABOUT 365 CONNECT: 365 Connect powers the world's most advanced automated marketing, leasing, and resident engagement platform for multifamily communities across the globe. Designed to modernize transactions that empower people, our AI-driven platform transforms operations to reduce costs, maximize efficiency, and accelerate revenue. Founded in 2003 with unrivaled industry knowledge, 365 Connect is purpose-built for renters, management teams, and today's changing world. Discover how we’re driving the future of multifamily innovation at

Published: December 4, 2015