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5G Connectivity Stands to Make a Significant Impact on Your Mobile Video Marketing Strategy

Video. It’s inescapable – streaming on your TV, playing in a pop-up ad on your web browser, and everywhere in between. In fact, consumers spend almost 83 minutes per day consuming digital video –but, did you know that over 75 percent of video viewing worldwide is done on mobile devices? Although this number might come as a surprise to some, it certainly won’t astonish seasoned digital marketers, who have witnessed the proliferation of mobile tech since 2015’s Mobilegeddon. Yet, there are still many of us who have not considered how the popularization of mobile phone use has led other phenomena to unfold in our modern society, including the demand for streamable, on-the-go video.

The time spent on the top 5 video streaming apps exploded in growth between 2016 and 2018, showing a jaw-dropping 140 percent increase. Given such substantial growth, it’s no wonder that the current estimated revenue for digital video is just over 11 billion-dollars. Businesses have certainly taken notice of video in 2019, too. 81 percent of companies now use video as a marketing tool, compared to 63 percent of businesses in 2017. These statistics speak to the continual acceptance of video marketing, particularly for mobile, amongst businesses that aim to engage prospects and customers alike.

However, 5G stands to irrevocably change how we use mobile video to not only market our apartment communities, but also engage with current and potential residents. Is your apartment community ready to accommodate 5G-enabled mobile video upon its official, nationwide release? Read on to determine your preparedness, as this blog reviews the key features of 5G video, its influence on video marketing, and other developments accompanying its release onto the market.

Mobile Video Will Become More Seamless Than Ever.

The arrival of 5G stands to seriously impact the digital processes we’ve come to know so well over the past decade. Since 5G is said to be the biggest technological development since the Internet itself, this is certainly not an overstatement. The ground-breaking technology is poised to join the exclusive ranks of general-purpose technologies, generating 12.3 trillion-dollars in economic output across multiple sectors by 2035. 5G is not just a modified version of 4G—it’s an entire technological paradigm shift.

The most exciting bit of 5G news is the technology’s ability to provide peak download speeds of 20 gigabits-per-second. Currently, standard 4G peak speeds are a mere one gigabit-per-second, meaning that higher speeds will usher in a new level of connectivity and make it simpler to upload and download streaming video. 5G will also offer low-latency capabilities. As of now, it takes approximately 100 milliseconds to transmit information across a network. With 5G, latency is will be reduced to 1 millisecond. Finally, 5G will allow mobile phone batteries to consume 90 percent less energy than one utilizing a 4G network, which is sure to increase smartphone usage and time spent engaging with 5G-enabled mobile video.

New Technologies Will Hit the Mainstream.

5G will not only optimize mobile processes, but it will also encourage further implementation of exciting, new technologies, including augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Augmented reality overlays information atop our real-world view—think Instagram and Snapchat filters— while virtual reality creates an entirely artificial view. With better 5G connectivity and increasing accessibility to AR and VR devices, virtual home tours will continue to proliferate in our sector. Apartment communities can use AR to help prospects visualize an empty apartment when furnished or rely upon VR to create a virtual space of its own for potential residents to explore. Any strategy involving AR or VR will add depth and creativity to your property’s marketing efforts, especially for lease-up properties.

What is leasing without customer service, though? For optimal results, you’ll need a representative to nurture your prospect throughout every step of the buyer journey. 5G-enabled mobile video will allow this to happen, introducing a new era for tech-assisted customer service. Customer care teams will be able to take their capabilities to the next level with 5G’s high-speed, low-latency video. Your property’s assets will present themselves on video as they would in person, with no lag, pixilation, or interrupted contact. Just think of how this will ramp up your property’s reach and personalization efforts —and all in ways that benefit your end-user.

Mobile Video Will Solidify Its Place Within Digital Marketing.

It’s no secret that 5G technology will pave the road to improved user interfaces and multimedia experiences, including lightning-fast mobile video streaming. Next-generation UI/UX will become increasingly more tactile and responsive, allowing users to enjoy haptic experiences through real-time, interactive systems. Video will also become more instantaneous, leading to an increase in demand and consumption. Both are great pieces of news for multifamily marketing professionals, who are ready to capitalize on the new frontier of 5G and its immense capabilities for marketing websites, social media platforms, and other web-related customer service initiatives.

Just as society readily embraced 4G speeds and built countless digital models, methods, and workflows on its back, 5G will elicit the same enthusiastic response, which will allow mobile video—and your mobile marketing strategy—to flourish like never before. Not only will video streaming experience a spike in use with 5G, but voice technology, marketing personalization, augmented and virtual reality, and interactive ads will also saturate the market. You must prepare your multifamily business model for this monumental, tech-forward change to ensure that each cog in your machine will still churn properly—and better yet, more efficiently.

About The Author

Jimmy Lancaster is one of the most well-known engineers on the Silicon Bayou, specializing in custom software development. He is the Chief Product Officer of 365 Connect, the leader in delivering the world's most sophisticated automated marketing, leasing, and resident engagement platform for multifamily communities across the globe.